Rolandshop Marketer

You are invited to be a Roland Marketer.

Sign up to save your friends 5% and Earn 25% of sales price from Qualifying Purchases with a Roland Affiliate Program

Yes, You are invited to earn 25% of sales price form qualifying purchases on is how you can join the Marketer.


What is the Marketer?

Marketer is a different way of saying a partner. You will be the owner of your own business without putting extra money to set up a business. We will provide you with marketing tools and reviews so you can present our product to your customers with confidence.


What is the Benefit of being a Marketer?

 1. You will receive 25% of saes price from qualifying purchases. All the products from Rolandshop Collection will be included:

 2. You name and contact information will be listed on our website as Marketer so our customers can contact you to purchase a product through you or your affiliate link.

How to be a marketer?

1. You need to be Rolandshop Affiliate:

You already passed this qualification! We only send this invitation to only few selected affiliates who met below requirements.

i. Rolandshop affiliate for more than 3 month

ii. Eearned commission

iii. Shared our site on more than 10 different site.

2. Need to have a Marketer Starter Kit

You need to have this Marketer Starter Kit to show our product to your customers. You can purchase this Starter Kit at discounted price

i. Starter Kit includes: