News — incen
Are You Ready For Allergy Season?
Posted by Marlseon Ro on

February is drawing to a close, and before you know it, spring will be upon us, with all its beauties, splendors, and . . . allergens. Pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and more can really cause problems for those with allergies and asthma. Even those without respiratory problems can be impacted by air with a high particle count. This problem can be solved by quality air filtration products, which not only meet, but exceed HEPA filtration standards in order to remove even the tiniest particles from the air in your home. Don’t wait until you’re bombarded by this spring’s allergens...
- Tags: air cleaner, Icleen, incen, iqair
ICleen Air Cleaners 25% Off Trade-in Sale
Posted by RolandShop Customer Service on
The Incen ICleen HealthPremium & the HealthPremium Supreme are the ultimate air cleaning solution for individuals who desire to breathe clean and healthy air. It features the most reliable and efficient air cleaning technologies for indoor & outdoor pollutants.
- Tags: air cleaner, filter, Icleen, incen